Call to Order I.A. Announcement by the Chairman Whether a Quorum is Present and that the Meeting had been Duly Called, and that Notice of the Meeting had been Posted in the Time and Manner Required by Law I.B. Prayer I.C. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flags of the United States of America and the State of Texas
V.A. Consider Board Approval for Minutes for the Meeting and Workshop Meeting held August 13,2020, the Regular Meeting held August 27, 2020, the Regular Meeting held September 24, 2020, and the Called Public Hearing and Regular Meeting held October 22, 2020
Academic Action Items VI.A. Review TASB Policy Update 115 and Consider Board Approval of the (LOCAL) Policies in Update, the Revision to DIA(LOCAL) and the Inclusion of DMD(LOCAL)
IX.E. ELA(LOCAL) - Campus or Program Charters: Partnership Charters XII. Adjournment
Call to Order I.A. Announcement by the Chairman Whether a Quorum is Present and that the Meeting had been Duly Called, and that Notice of the Meeting had been Posted in the Time and Manner Required by Law I.B. Prayer I.C. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flags of the United States of America and the State of Texas
V.A. Consider Board Approval for Minutes for the Meeting and Workshop Meeting held August 13,2020, the Regular Meeting held August 27, 2020, the Regular Meeting held September 24, 2020, and the Called Public Hearing and Regular Meeting held October 22, 2020
Academic Action Items VI.A. Review TASB Policy Update 115 and Consider Board Approval of the (LOCAL) Policies in Update, the Revision to DIA(LOCAL) and the Inclusion of DMD(LOCAL)
IX.E. ELA(LOCAL) - Campus or Program Charters: Partnership Charters XII. Adjournment