Call to Order A. Announcement by the Chairman Whether a Quorum is Present and that the Meeting had been Duly Called, and that Notice of the Meeting had been Posted in the Time and Manner Required by Law
II. Academic Action Items A. Consideration and Possible Board Approval of Resolution Regarding Inclusion/Exclusion of Virtual Students in UIL Extracurricular Activities and Elective Courses for the 2020-2021 School Year V. Adjournment
Call to Order A. Announcement by the Chairman Whether a Quorum is Present and that the Meeting had been Duly Called, and that Notice of the Meeting had been Posted in the Time and Manner Required by Law
II. Academic Action Items A. Consideration and Possible Board Approval of Resolution Regarding Inclusion/Exclusion of Virtual Students in UIL Extracurricular Activities and Elective Courses for the 2020-2021 School Year V. Adjournment